
Self Love

Happy Valentine's Day! Today I wanted to send you this Blog about Self Love. On a day like today, people emphasize the importance of love and romantic relationships. I would like to pose this question to you. What about the love for yourself? What will you do special for you today? Believe it or not, a lot of people get depressed/sad due to Valentine's Day. I used to be one of those people. I felt so alone on Valentine's Day, especially with my birthday being a few days after VD! OMG, I'm older and single! But guess what I don't feel or think that way anymore. The purpose of this Blog is to encourage you and make you feel good about yourself on Valentine's Day. But not only on Valentine's Day, every day. What does Self Love mean? Well, it's caring for yourself. Think about your love for others and the relationships you have. How do you love others? The way you love GOD, your family, your children is the same exact way you are supposed to love yourself. Self-Love is accepting your flaws, not judging yourself and taking care of you. Here are some ways you can take care of yourself. Listen to your body, if tired rest, if hungry eat a healthy meal. Implement something you enjoy daily such as reading, exercise, dinner listening to your favorite music. I prefer listening to classical music while eating dinner. Add some Relaxation into your schedule (Meditation, Yoga). Go buy your favorite lipstick and remind yourself daily that you are special! Recite positive affirmations in the mirror daily which I call "Reflective Soul Work". It's so important to boost your self esteem and connect with yourself daily. Now go have fun today and remember LOVE YOURSELF!

Here are a few of my positive affirmations I would like to share with you.

I am a beautiful human being inside and out

I will be kind to myself and others

I will not allow others to determine my value…only GOD can do that

Stay Blessed,

Kitty Robinson LPC


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